Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Answering God’s Call

In the days of social media; we often browse, flip and scroll through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat and any other instantaneous information providers.  Unfortunately, instead of being happy to connect with long lost friends or excited to be a small part of someone else’s success; we tend to feel envy or sadness that the good things which were posted didn’t happen to us. Every once in a while we might comment “Congratulations” or “I’m so happy for you”, but our real life (out loud) comments go something like this: “Can you believe they got this” or “Why do only good things happen to them”.  If this describes you, don’t feel bad.  Everyone does it.  Social Media was intended to bring the world closer together; unfortunately, many times it causes envy and people start looking at what they don’t have rather than embrace the Gifts God provides.

In the book of Exodus 3:1-4:17 Moses received a sign from God in the form of a burning bush.  The bush was on fire, but not consumed by the flames.  Moses was asked by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.  Despite the signs, Moses is described as being very reluctant to take on the role, arguing that he lacked eloquence, and that someone else should be sent instead. God reacts by angrily rebuking Moses for presuming to lecture the Him who made the mouth on who was qualified to speak and not to speak.  We know the rest of the story, but what if Moses did not use or even look at the Gift of God?

Russell L. Martin, better known as Rusty to his friends, family and all who meet him, has a story about utilizing a Gift from God.

Rusty grew up in a very rural area with his closest neighbors around a half dozen rock throws from his home on Black Creek in Louisiana. The homesteads of his kinfolk were the ones within hollering distance and outside of that small circle was a local community of friends scattered through the rolling hills of timber country, all covering several country miles.  To make extra money, Rusty would be seen walking the country side barefooted pushing his 22-inch lawnmower with a 2 gallon gas can ultimately mowing laws for $2 to $5 dollars a lawn.  The population in the surrounding area was pretty low, but the work was plentiful. The local ranchers and farmers would reach out for young healthy backs in those days.  When it was time to haul hay for livestock, planting season or harvest time, one would hear of this opportunity either around their church or the local barber shop. None paid very well but these chores definitely reaped an abundance of character.  As Rusty grew into his teenage years; he would partake in this type of work.

Living on acreage, there was plenty of chores to do around the house.  Since Rusty’s dad worked on the pipelines he would be away on jobs leaving many of the chores to Rusty and his brother.  That included hunting, and preparing the ground for gardening.  These were normal times back in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.  Times were simple without the ease of technology we have today.

Socially, times in the south were a lot different as well.  Segregation was common and desegregation was federally mandated.  Bringing this type of change to kids who didn’t know anything different caused fear and anxiety.  Many student’s schooling suffered as a result, including Rusty.  Ultimately, Rusty would drop out of high school a few credits shy of receiving his diploma.  He quickly found himself working as an oiler on a huge dragline. This was the guy that did all the ground work for the operator, which was his dad.

This was his first job in heavy construction. He carried these skills leading him to many different construction fields, ranging from rough necking on and off-shore drilling rigs, labored, ran equipment, pushed crews on cross country pipelines, involved in building compressor and pumping stations across the US, but the most his most interesting and fun job was deep sea diving / commercial diving.

If we stopped the story right here, Rusty’s story would be no different than most.  He was a hard worker who made the most out of opportunities that presented themselves.  However, his story doesn’t stop here.  Like many of us; Rusty’s life was filled with challenges and even tragedy.

In the span of several trying years, Rusty lost his youngest daughter, Summer.  His oldest daughter Courtney would spend years battling drug and alcohol addiction.  She even came close to death in a serious car wreck that left her disabled from head trauma.  He would witness his dad’s battle with cancer ultimately losing the fight.  To top it off he would go through a devastating divorce.

Now, that is more like all of our stories.  The only thing is that today, we don’t put that on Social Media.  We only want to share the good things that happen to us!  As you can see, Rusty’s story is really not any different than any of ours.  So what was calling Rusty to do?  What is the gift God gave Rusty?  Is there more to this story of Rusty than being a dropout, roughneck from Dry Prong, Louisiana who was divorced?

Of course.  Every one of us has a gift.  It is up to us to use that gift as God has intended.  So where was Rusty’s burning bush?

Rusty had a choice.  He could either shake his fist and curse God or choose to humble himself by falling on his face in humility, asking Him for forgiveness for so many wrong choices that led his family down this road of destruction.

He chose wisely, and fell on his face before a merciful God.

By doing this it drew him closer to the Lord, giving him a type of wisdom that led me to a decision that he will finish out the rest of his life serving Him.

Rusty always had a gift of telling stories.  He also had a ton of life experience.  In addition, making God part of his everyday life; he often wondered what it would be like when he was called to Heaven, or what was his daughter Summer and his father experiencing?

All of this would lead Russell L. Martin to writing his first book of The Portal Series called, “Scars of My Guardian Angel”.  God led him to the keyboard of his old work laptop. Surprising his family and friends, he unveiled a hidden talent that no one realized he possessed, including himself.  He would use his Gift from God as his ministry leading others to follow Jesus.

Throughout time, many religions have presented differing beliefs of the afterlife. Whatever they may be, we surely all have a final destination.

Ask yourself: Is there a heaven or a hell? When I die will I simply cease to exist and my body turns to dust? If I make it to heaven, what will I do for all eternity? Will I see and know my family and friends? What about angels and demons, are they real?

In the book, “Scars of My Guardian Angel”, the souls of millions hang in the balance as the last days of earth grow near. Chado Cole has been chosen by God for a unique mission. Uriel, his Guardian Angel, has watched over and protected him from birth and now also into the afterlife. Lucifer has managed to receive bits and pieces of information through his demonic forces, that God is using Chado to somehow spoil his bounty of lost souls.

Under the command of God, Uriel is to lead Chado on this incredible journey through the snares of Satan’s demonic forces, to complete a task that was set in motion six thousand years ago!

Let the true events of the Russell L. Martin’s life mixed with his fictional imagination carry you through the portals of the unknown.  Enjoy watching God’s Gift to Rusty come to life in his book.  You will experience a plethora of emotions while reading the book; especially since you know the rest of the story.  For more information, follow Russell L. Martin’s journey on Facebook to see upcoming events and his everyday life of walking with the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. This is a captivating yet human story of a reluctant protagonist that is amazed by God's grace and favor to use him on the amazing spirtual adventure beyond his lifetime.
